The Weekend Replay PODCAST: How to pose on a red carpet / A sweet Paw Paw visit / Wash new clothes before wearingMurphy, Sam & Jodi | Friday, May 26 How to pose on a red carpet. A sweet Paw Paw visit. Wash new clothes before wearing.
Why you should wash new clothes before wearing them / The beautiful thing Jodi’s Paw Paw asked Murphy to do / New Cheetos comingMurphy, Sam & Jodi | Tuesday, May 23 You SHOULD wash new clothes before wearing them. There are more reasons than you think! The beautiful thing Jodi’s 94-year-old... Read More.
Ark City PD wearing body camerasLocal | Wednesday, October 12 The Arkansas City Police Department announced that the agency’s commissioned officers are now equipped with Utility, Inc.’s patented Eos... Read More.
Why Sam is wearing a TUX to an informal event / Grateful Friday / Why so many are excited about Holiday Barbie this yearMurphy, Sam & Jodi | Friday, October 7 Sam is being told to wear a TUX to an event he KNOWS is not formal. WHY?! Grateful Friday. What little &... Read More.
What Sam wants Jodi to stop wearing / Super Bowl stuff you didn’t hear about / Grateful Friday and more ideas on your ideal partner listMurphy, Sam & Jodi | Friday, February 18What Sam wants Jodi to STOP wearing around him. In Jodi’s Friday Favorite – some stuff from the Super... Read More.
ARK CITY POLICE WATCHING FOR KIDS WEARING SEAT BELTSLocal | Wednesday, October 28 Arkansas City Police have joined in with other law enforcement agencies in aggressively enforcing seat belt usage, especially by... Read More.