The City of Arkansas City is continuing its annual fire hydrant flushing program, with work proceeding all across south-central Arkansas City starting this week. The Environmental Services Department today began flushing Section 3 and then moves to 4, which contains 17 fire hydrants for section 3 and 148 fire hydrants for section 4. Section 3 will be from south of Madison Avenue, between A and First streets — mainly along the South Summit Street corridor. Section 4 will be along and north of West Fifth Avenue, north to West Kansas Avenue, and east of First Street. Flushing will continue in Section 3 & 4 through at least June 27th. All flushing will be conducted between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays only. Water customers in this area might experience temporary discoloration or low water pressure during this fire hydrant flushing program.