Arkansas City is taking proactive steps to combat and limit the spread of the coronavirus pandemic locally. Effective today, the following City facilities will be closed to the public… The Agri-Business Building; Cleo Graves Memorial Hogan; Northwest Community Center; Senior Citizens Center; 3 recycling trailers at Arkansas City Middle School, Cowley College, and Spring Hill Golf Course. No City parks are being closed at this time. City Hall will remain open to the public for the time being, but both may be re-evaluated if any positive COVID-19 cases are reported in Cowley County. Tuesday night’s City Commission meeting will be held as planned, but all non-essential City board meetings likely will be canceled or rescheduled. The Seniors Citizens Center will be closed indefinitely to the public, but the senior meals program through Aging Projects, Inc. will continue, with certain modifications. Carryout of meals will be available curbside at the Senior Center. Meal delivery will continue to currently enrolled addresses. Both the Hogan and the Northwest Community Center will be unavailable for rental indefinitely. Today’s NWCC Advisory Board meeting is canceled. The Thursday night outreach program at
NWCC also will be suspended indefinitely. The Agri-Business Building also will be unavailable for rental indefinitely, and full refunds will be offered to any party with a canceled reservation. Athletic uses, such as tennis practice, also will be canceled indefinitely at the Agri-Business Building. Other than City Hall, all City facilities housing City personnel will be off-limits to the public indefinitely, except for exceptional circumstances. This restriction includes the Bryant Shop, Central Shop, Fire-EMS Department, Parks Shop, Police Department, Water Treatment Facility and Wastewater Treatment Plant.