The man who was arrested for vandalism of a political billboard said Wednesday that it was mostly a spur of the moment decision. 19 year old Garrett Bogle… a Cowley College student from Winfield… said yesterday that he drives by the billboard going to classes and he just felt the urge to do something. Bogle was arrested Tuesday and charged with criminal damage to property. He would not comment on whether anyone else was involved. Bogle was taken into custody and jailed, but he later bonded out. According to the Cowley County Sheriff, the crime he is accused of carries a penalty up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. An investigation is ongoing to determine if anyone else was involved, and if so, they too will face charges. Bogle was arrested after a red and white billboard that stated Make America Great Again and Vote Republican was painted blue with the words Black Lives Matter and Resist written in yellow. The original sign has since been restored.