Enrollment is ongoing at Cowley College… Whether you are a new student, current student, or returning student you can make plans to enroll at Cowley College for the summer and fall semesters. The Cowley College COVID-19 Emergency Management Crisis Team (EMCT) working in tandem with our faculty, staff, and health and government officials, continue to vigilantly monitor the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The health and safety of students, faculty and staff continue to be the highest priority in support of students’ academic success. The college remains open to serve the needs of our students and is planning for normal face-to-face course offerings being available during the fall semester. In the meantime, College faculty are using technologies to ease student adjustment to distance delivered education, and Wi-Fi access points have been strategically placed at most of the College’s locations so that students have 24/7 access to internet services from parking lots in the comfort of their own vehicles. To enroll for summer or fall classes at Cowley College please visit www.cowley.edu/enroll or call 1-800-593-2222. Individuals can also call to book a virtual appointment.