Creekstone Farms has opened a recruitment and training center in what was… until they began using it… a vacant storefront at 1801 N. Summit St. It is the former home of Verizon and before that Blockbuster video was there. According to their Facebook page, Creekstone is using the location now as a dedicated hiring and training location for new employees…. all in an effort they say, to streamline the application and onboarding process… making the whole process smoother by providing easier access for walk-in applicants and for those returning for employment interviews. If you are looking for work, you may want to check it out. That’s because
Creekstone Farms is currently looking to fill positions in fabrication, harvest, and maintenance departments. Wages begin at $13 per hour, and skilled employees can earn up to $22 per hour. Creekstone now employes more than 1,100, generally operates six days a week, and is undergoing a $100 million expansion. If you would like to submit an application, you can stop in or call the new recruitment center at (620) 741-3294 or you can apply online at