Revenues at our two local hospitals have fallen off the chart over the past few months after elective procedures weree postponed due to the orders of the governor in response to coronavirus. Now, both area hospitals have been forced to apply for and federal aid to help meet payroll costs and keep the doors open. William Newton Hospital is projected to lose more than $1 million between February and April. The hospital has applied for and received a Paycheck Protection Program loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration, and is receiving $3.934 million. The entire amount will go toward payroll expenses. South Central Kansas Medical Center in Arkansas City has lost about $315,000 for March and April. The City of Arkansas City last month approved a $1 million payment to the medical center to cover payroll for three months. The hospital also applied for PPP funds and the application was approved, but the actual amount SCKMC will receive is not yet available.