A nearly 9-mile section of K-15 in Cowley and Sumner counties will be resurfaced in a Kansas Department of Transportation project.

The work – totaling $1.6 million — is tentatively scheduled to begin July 20.

The resurfacing on K-15 will be from the east city limits of Udall, in Cowley County, through Sumner County to the Sedgwick County line.

The work will involve milling and a hot-mix-asphalt overlay.

During the work, traffic will be controlled by a pilot car. Motorists should be prepared to stop and face delays of up to 15 minutes.

The project is expected to be completed around early August, depending on the weather.

Cornejo & Sons is the main contractor for the project, which consists of two contracts totaling $1,603,808.

See map below with project segment marked in red.