TOPEKA – The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has opened a public comment period beginning today through July 7 to allow Evergy customers the opportunity to weigh in on the company’s proposed Sustainability Transformation Plan (STP). The plan, approved by Evergy’s Board of Directors in August, is designed to cut operating and maintenance expenses while increasing capital expenditures.

To protect the interest of Kansas ratepayers, the Commission opened a General Investigation on August 27 to provide KCC staff, stakeholders, and Evergy an opportunity to discuss and evaluate the plan.

As part of the investigation, a series of workshops were scheduled and broadcast for the public on the KCC’s YouTube channel.  The final workshop is scheduled for May 24 at 10 a.m. At that time, Evergy will present an updated STP plan incorporating feedback from earlier workshops and answer questions from intervenors and Commissioners.

Recordings of the three previous workshops are available on YouTube for anyone who missed them. Topics covered include grid modernization investments and related benefits, operational efficiencies, and enhanced customer experience.

Additional information is available in Docket No. 21-EKME-088-GIE on the KCC’s website .  The Commission has requested all participants in the docket file background information explaining the proceeding and their respective positions.

Public comments can be submitted online via the KCC website, through email ([email protected]) or in a letter to the agency’s Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at 1500 SW Arrowhead, Topeka, KS 66614. All comments must be received by 5 p.m. on July 7 and will be included in the case record.