Arkansas City is continuing its annual fire hydrant flushing program, with work proceeding all across north Arkansas City starting today. The Environmental Services Department will begin flushing Section 10, which contains a total of 41 fire hydrants, all east of the Walnut River, mainly in the Crestwood and Summit Acres neighborhoods. The Environmental Services Department also will begin flushing Section 9, which contains a total of seven fire hydrants along North Summit Street, between Kansas Avenue and Edgemont Drive. Flushing will continue in Sections 9 and 10 through at least Aug. 14. All flushing will be conducted between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays only. Water customers might experience temporary discoloration or low water pressure. If you have any problems, call the Environmental Services Department at (620) 441-4480 or (620) 441-4492.