It’s been a tough journey so far, but things are beginning to look brighter financially for Willaim Newton Hospital. After several months of losses due to restrictions that were put in place due to COVID-19, the hospital now reports increased patient volume and an infusion of federal aid money are having a positive effect on the bottom line. The hospital board of trustees met this week, and released information showing that total net income for June, including grants and stimulus funds, was $900,597. Year-to-date net income so far, stands at $390,467… putting the hospital in the black for the year so far. The hospital is still down in the number of inpatient days for this year compared to 2019, and the worst days were at what was considered the peak of the “pandemic” back in April and May, when all non-essential services were halted by government order so that the hospital could brace for what was predicted to be a huge surge in coronavirus patients… which never happened.