Go through old family photos (together!)
Clean out closets/rearrange
Watch an old movie you once loved
Cook something new
Teach kids to cook something
Clean your phone and its case!
Play board (or video) games together
Paint for fun
Go for a nature walk (daily!)
Wash your car
FaceTime, Skype or Call a friend or family member
String up Christmas lights in bedrooms
Teach the kids how to do a few new chores
Read a book you’ve not had the time for
Take a long, hot bath
Do Yoga!
Clean out the “junk drawer”
Color – together as a family
Teach the kids how to make coffee!
Make summer plans – for camps, vacations etc
Clean up phone apps!
Give the dog a bath
Make smoothies
Give yourself a pedicure
Rearrange furniture
Learn how to use an app you’ve never figured out
Update the family calendar
Do taxes!
Check on friends who work in the service industry
Introduce the kids to some great older music
Write a note to kids/family members & mail it! (kids like getting mail)
Practice making a charcuterie board! (with what you have)
Teach a child to clean the kitchen
Make grilled cheese sandwiches
Take pictures of the kids & pets (photo session!)
Actually play hide & seek with kids
Use your favorite photos to make a pic collage book
Teach the dog a trick
Clean out the garage
Let the kids play school – you are the student
Do a face mask
Tell the kids stories about when they were babies
Watch old family videos – together
Read Harry Potter to the kids! The whole family can enjoy it.
Bake something!
Re Binge a fave show
Make popcorn
Foster a dog through a local rescue
Take an online course (language, sales, art)
Send personal IM’s to people you don’t see enough
Plan an upcoming birthday party
Work on your resume
Clean out cabinets
Try on everything in your closet – mix up outfits
Clean windows
Look through family recipes
Watch a favorite football game again!
Clean 1 room per day